Q. How to get to The Sideshow
The Sideshow is located at 49 Vulture St, West End
Street parking is available.
The Sideshow is located at 49 Vulture St, West End
Street parking is available.
Register when you arrive
Simply drop by the front counter when you arrive and we can set it all up.
Fast Book with the Mind Body App
Register on the 'Mind Body' app on your phone, simply search 'the sideshow'. Check out our upcoming classes here
Unlimited Monthly Memberships - $120 per month
For just $75 a month, you will get access to unlimited workshops. That’s access to up to 8 different workshops per week! You can also use our training space for free throughout the week and on weekends.
5 Class Circus Pass - $80
5 Class Dance Pass - $40
For $80 this pass gives you access to any 5 classes throughout the year, that’s only $16 per class! The 5 class pass lasts up to 6 months so you can use it around your schedule.
Casual Circus Class - $20
Casual Dance Class - $10
Wear comfortable clothing that you can move easily in, like gym clothing. Keep hydrated by bringing a water bottle. In most cases, equipment will be provided by the teacher but if you prefer to bring your own, please do so.
Yes you can hire our wicked venue. We hire to many events from small information nights to large exhibitions and events.
Send us an email thewww.sideshowhub.com.au
Contact: [email protected]